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Private detective vs PI singapore

Individuals who operate outside the world of law enforcement are on average of the impression that private detectives and investigators are synonymous terms. This idea is often inspired by movies and novels that fail to draw a clear distinction between these two types of professions. Though in principle a private detective and PI in Singapore feature distinct characteristics, they are often hired for tasks of a similar nature. This blog seeks to distinguish between the roles of private investigators and detectives when to hire them.  

What is a Private Investigator?

These are skilled individuals who are not directly affiliated with any law enforcement agencies. They either operate independently or as a part of the private sector. Private investigators are frequently hired by individuals, businesses and other types of organizations to acquire information, carry out extensive research and resolve dilemmas. They commonly handle cases related to missing persons, conduct background checks, and investigate false accusations or issues related to infidelity.   

Duties and Responsibilities 

Private investigators are tasked with fulfilling a variety of roles and responsibilities. They do so by implementing various forms of techniques and tools to acquire information and evidence for their clients. Such tasks generally involve conducting surveillance, interviewing witnesses and analyzing documents employing advanced technology. Private Investigators are usually quite detail-oriented and meticulous in their approach. This enables them to gather information correctly to provide evidence that supports their findings.    

Licensing and Legal Considerations 

Private Investigators in Singapore are required to obtain a license from the Singapore Police Force to work legally in this field. However, the licensing requirements for a Private Investigator tend to vary in different locations. In general, they are required to meet certain criteria such as completing specific training related to their profession, clearing background checks, as well demonstrating knowledge of local laws and regulations. Anyone hiring a private investigator must ensure that they are licensed and operating within the boundaries of the law.

What is a Private Detective?

Private detectives share various common traits with private investigators but function in different contexts. They are in general hired by originations like law firms, insurance companies, corporations, governmental institutions and individuals dealing with legal matters. The primary objective of their investigation is to acquire evidence for civil cases, claims related to personal injury, custody battles and facilitate asset search.

Scope of Work

Private Detectives are experts in dealing with investigations related to legal issues. Their operations commonly involve conducting thorough background checks on individuals, locating witnesses, performing surveillance legally and providing support to litigation. They are required to follow strict legal guidelines to assist clients in building a strong case.  

Specialized Knowledge 

In many instances, Private Detectives need to be more skilled and knowledgeable in certain fields such as forensic accounting, computer forensics and reconstructing accident scenarios. Possessing specialized knowledge enables private detectives to provide valuable insights into complex legal matters. They are also sufficiently versed in the legal procedures and requirements unique to their jurisdiction.

Key Differences between Private Detective and Private Investigator

Even though both private detectives and investigators share a common goal in many instances and are skilled in a similar manner, they differ primarily in the context of their investigation. Private investigators operate predominantly in the private sector and deal with cases not involving legal proceedings. Whereas private detectives are focused chiefly on investigating legal cases and collaborate closely with attorneys to do so.

Target Clientele 

Private Investigators commonly serve clients who are individuals or business owners seeking resolution regarding personal matters, for instance locating missing people or confirming infidelity.

Private Detectives cater to legal disputes involving law firms, insurance companies and corporations that require legal evidence to proceed.  

Areas of Expertise 

The expertise and diversity of skills of a PI in Singapore are applied in a broad spectrum of cases, ranging from background checks to carrying out surveillance. They utilize the versatility of their skills to tackle a mixture of investigative tasks.

Private detectives on the other hand are more specialized in investigations that are directly linked to legal matters. They utilize their extensive knowledge of the legal system to gather evidence and facilitate proceedings.

Essentials of Hiring a PI Singapore 

As already mentioned, private investigators are hired by private originations. Unlike private detectives, they do not directly deal with legal cases and are more skilled in investigating private matters related to the personal agenda of the client. As the issue is not strictly legal, private investigators need to be put through a more detailed hiring process involving the following steps:

Request to Meet In-Person 

Asking to meet the private investigator in person would enable the client to understand whether they can trust them to be discreet and competent in their investigation. Many PIs are retired cops to run their solo practice drawing from their past skills and experience. Meeting this individual in person allows the client to draw a stronger first impression of the investigator. It is necessary to check the reputation of the private detective as they may be required to testify in a criminal or civil court.

Ask to See the Licensing 

An important part of the due diligence carried out on a private investigator is to see if they possess a valid license. This document ensures that they are reliable and professional. This license should be relevant in the state where the PI is required to conduct an investigation.   

Check for Insurance 

Yet another quintessential aspect of hiring a private investigator is insurance. The PI should possess the necessary insurance coverage. Hence, the client should ask their PI to show proof of insurance before hiring them. This would protect the client from any financial obligation in case something were to happen to the PI during their investigation.

Enquire Qualification and Experience

Before appointing a private investigator for any issue, it is crucial to make sure that they are indeed qualified for the task at hand. If they have a private website, make sure to review their qualification. Oftentimes, private investigators are former police officers. However, training acquired in the police force may not always be sufficient qualification to work as a private investigator.

Ensure to ask how many years of experience the private investigator possesses. They may be required to testify in a certain case they are working on. It helps if they have worked on similar cases in the past. Therefore, it is better to hire a PI who is specialized in dealing with the type of issue they have been tasked to pursue.

Acquire Testimonials and References

Last but never least, the clients themselves may need to investigate a prospective private investigator before hiring them. While searching online for private investigators in Singapore available for hiring the client should run an enquiry. Look for testimonials that attest to the skills and professionalism of the client. As the profession of private investigator is discreet, it is okay if there are not too many testimonials available online. Rather request the potential PI for hire to provide three references who can offer feedback about the PI’s level of professionalism, work ethic and experience.  


Private investigators are tasked with investigating a wide range of cases which can vary significantly. From finding clues regarding infidelity to conducting corporate investigations in SingaporePIs need to be more diversely skilled and well-connected to handle the sheer variety of challenges that come their way.

If your goal is to hire a licensed and skilled private investigator, BSPI is the agency for you! Our professional PIs have worked in a variety of cases both matrimonial and commercial. You can rest assured that it will be handled tenaciously.

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