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Private Investigation Company-An All-Encompassing Guide

Dishonesty, fraud, and corruption are increasing rapidly these days. It is not only hampering the personal life of a lot of people, but it is also taking a toll on various types of businesses. So, if you are suspecting any of those issues, you should take the matter seriously. In that case, one of the best things that you can do is to get in touch with a Private Investigation company in SingaporeAs they have the concerned experience and expertise in this field, they should know what they have to do to deliver the best results. They will serve your purpose precisely.

However, before making the final decision, there are some points that you need to keep in mind. Keeping those points into account will help you make the right decision. To be precise, you will get rid of all your hesitations before hiring this service. You can stay assured that getting in touch with professionals will never go wrong.

Reasons to hire a private investigation company in Singapore:

The experts will conduct a thorough investigation:

One of the fundamental reasons to avail of this service is that the experts will conduct a thorough investigation. To be precise, they will collect all the reliable information and based on that they will carry out the investigation.

Well, they will perform numerous things such as:

  • ➼ Performing extensive research
  • ➼ Gathering records
  • ➼ Facilitate interviews with the concerned parties
  • ➼ Provides efficient surveillance.

They are capable of handling complex issues:

Another reason to avail of this service is that they are capable of handling complex issues. No matter how complicated the issue is the experts will take care of everything. As they have the concerned experience and expertise in this field, they know what they have to do to deliver the best results.

To be precise, sometimes they will collect sufficient shreds of evidence within a short period. However, during complex cases, they give a lot of time and effort to resolve the cases. They will use numerous things to meet your requirements such as:

  • ✅ Resources
  • ✅ Knowledge
  • ✅ Tools

So, get in touch with the experts as soon as possible as they are the best people to serve in this field. 

The experts will decipher the truth:

When it comes to handling cases, deciphering the truth is the most important thing. This is where the professionals step in. They will use numerous tools and resources to pull out the truth. Besides, they will conduct numerous background checks on people that are at the centre of the private investigation.

There is a possibility that they will conduct a secret investigation and follow a bunch of people to fathom their activities as well as their movements. They will use their online database to know more about:

  • ▸ Divorces
  • ▸ Marriages
  • ▸ Mortgage records
  • ▸ Criminal record 

Apart from it, they will also give the effort to find out other relevant data. To be precise, the experts will find out the point-of-view of numerous people that have witnessed the particular situation. Based on that they will take the next step.

There will be anonymity to the work:

One of the best parts of joining hands with them is that they will ensure the anonymity of the work. It is one of the most important things when it comes to a private investigation. Well, as the professionals have been delivering this service for a long time, they know what they have to do to maintain anonymity.

In case, you are thinking of accomplishing the task by yourself, there is a possibility that personal attachment can cloud your judgment. During that time, one of the best things that you can do is to get in touch with professionals. They will work as a third party and will ensure a neutral investigation.

They will find the lost ones:

There are numerous instances when a person will lose their loved ones. During that time, one of the best things that you can do is to get in touch with professionals. With the help of their tools and thorough investigation, they will help you find your lost ones.

So, if you have any hesitations regarding availing of this service, you should get rid of that hesitations as soon as possible. You can stay assured that hiring this service will never go wrong. As they have been delivering this service for a long time, they know what they have to do to deliver the best results.

Things to consider before hiring Private Investigation Singapore:

Before making your final call, there are numerous factors that you need to keep in mind. Keeping those factors in mind will help you choose the best service provider of all. So, here is the list of factors that you need to keep in mind. 


The primary factor that you need to keep in mind is the experience of the service. If you see that they have been delivering this service for a long time, you are good to go. To be precise, it will reflect their experience as well as their expertise.

Therefore, it is always the best decision to get in touch with a service provider that has the concerned experience in this field. 


The next thing that you need to keep in mind is communication with the service provider. If the communication of the company is not up to the mark, it will be hard for you to accomplish the best results. So, make sure that the communication of the service provider is strong enough.

It will help you to keep in touch with professionals throughout the process. To be precise, you can keep a track of it.


When it comes to investigation, using the right equipment is a must. Otherwise, it will be a tough job to yield the best results. Therefore, you must check whether they are using the right equipment or not. If you see that they using the right equipment, you are good to go.

Otherwise, consider it to be a red flag. It will signify that they are not serious about their job. You can never achieve the desired results if the investigators don’t use the right equipment.


Having the right aptitude is a must. You need to understand that anyone can become a private investigator. However, if you can dig out a bit, you will find out that the most successful ones are those that carry the right aptitude. 

An efficient investigator will never stall for time. Besides, they will provide you with the right strategic plan that will help you pull off the task in the most efficient way.

9  mistakes to avoid while availing of this service:

While hiring this service, there is a possibility that you will make some mistakes unknowingly. Therefore, you must be aware of those mistakes so that it doesn’t affect the investigation. So, let us make you aware of those mistakes so that you can avoid them at any cost.

Here, is the list of mistakes that you need to stay away from:

  • ✔ If you see that you cannot reach the investigators on phone consider it to be a red flag.
  • ✔ Make sure not to hire private investigators that are hesitating to show examples of their work.
  • ✔ Do not shy away from meeting the service providers in person before making the final call.
  • ✔ Low price should not be the only reason to choose a service provider
  • ✔ Do not go for a service provider that doesn’t have the concerned experience in this field.
  • ✔ Avoiding the reviews before making the final decision is one of the biggest blunders that you can make.
  • ✔ If you see that the company is the jack of all trades, keep your distance from them.
  • ✔ Avoid the experts that assign their tasks to a third party.
  • ✔ Don’t wait for long before making your decision.

So, these are all the things that you need to know before hiring a Private Investigation company in Singapore. If you are looking for the best service provider in this field, you should get in touch with Baker St. Private InvestigatorThey will also provide you with the best Investigator in Singapore. You can stay assured that joining hands with them will never go wrong. As they have been serving in this field for a long time, they know what they have to do to deliver the best results.


If you can dig out a bit, you will find out that these days, cases of treachery, theft, blackmail, and data theft are increasing. So, if you are witnessing the same thing, it is time to take action. And for that, one of the best things that you can do is to get in touch with PI Services in Singapore

Hiring this service will bring numerous benefits to the boards. For instance, the PI will help you find out the main culprit so that you can take the required and right actions. However, before making the final decision, there are some points that you need to keep in mind. 

Keeping those points in mind will help you make the right decision. To be precise, you will get rid of all your hesitations before making the final call. Besides, it will help you choose the best service provider among all.

5 Reasons to hire PI services in Singapore:

The experts will use professional techniques:

One of the fundamental reasons to avail of this service is that the experts will use professional techniques to find out the victim behind the scene. As they have been delivering this service for a long time, they know what they have to do to deliver the best results.

Due to their experience and expertise, they know all the best techniques to accomplish the task. So, if you have any hesitations regarding availing of this service, you should get rid of that as soon as possible. You can stay assured that joining hands with them will never go wrong. 

They will facilitate efficient background checks:

Another reason to hire this PI services is that private investigators will facilitate an efficient background check of the accused. Besides, if you are thinking of merging with a company or making a deal with them, you must opt for a background check.

During that time, one of the most convenient decisions that you can make is to get in touch with a PI service. As they have been delivering this service for a long time, they know what they have to do to deliver the best results. They will conduct a precise background check and will help you to take the right steps.

The experts of PI services will solve the case with ease:

Yes, once you hire this service, they will solve the case without any issues. It is already mentioned that the professionals have the concerned experience and expertise in this field. Besides, they have all the right tools in their collection, which makes it easier for them to solve the case effortlessly.

Thus, make sure to get in touch with the professionals. You can stay assured that joining hands with them will never go wrong. You can hire them without any issues as they are the best people to serve in this field. 

The professionals will find the facts easily:

When it comes to solving a case, facts have a pivotal role to play. Without the proper facts, you can never win a case in court. And this is where a PI steps in! With the help of their efficiency, they will find the facts easily and will help you to win the case in court.

It will help you clear all your doubts before coming to the conclusion. There is a possibility that the victim is trying to hinder the truth and to fight that, you need facts that the professionals will bring in front of you. 

They will help you find the lost ones:

There are instances, when people will disappear, creating numerous questionable circumstances. In that case, one of the most fruitful decisions that you can make is to hire investigators. The professionals will help you to trace them with the help of the clues that they gathered.

Moreover, the best part is that they will not take much time before providing you with the best results. They are not only reliable and fast, but they are quite trustworthy. So, set all your hesitations apart and get in touch with the service providers as soon as possible.


5  mistakes to avoid while hiring this service:

Hiring a service provider that you cannot reach by phone:

It is one of the primary mistakes that you need to avoid. You need to understand that strong communication is a must. Without it, you cannot accomplish the results that you want. Besides, it is a red flag if you cannot get in touch with them whenever you want.

Choosing a service provider without checking their examples:

Before making the final decision, you must check the examples of their work. It will not only showcase their efficiency, but it will also reflect their professionalism. If you see that they are hesitating to show you their examples, consider it to be a red flag. 

Hiring the professionals without meeting them:

If you hire a service provider without meeting them, there is a possibility that you are going to get disappointed. Once you meet them in person, it will be easier for you to fathom whether they are capable enough to accomplish the task or not. Also, check whether they have a brick-and-mortar office or not.

Choosing a service provider based on low price:

We can understand that hiring this service at a low cost can be pretty tempting. But choosing a service based on the pricing only will be a foolish decision. There are numerous instances where you will find out that the quality of the cheap service providers is not up to the mark.

Selecting a service provider without looking at the reviews:

Reviews are one of the best ways to judge the efficiency and professionalism of service providers. If you see that most of the reviews are positive, you are good to go. Otherwise, consider it to be a red flag. Besides, make sure to stay away from paid reviews. They are misleading most of the time.

So, these are all the things that you need to keep in mind. If you are looking for the best service provider in this field, you should get in touch with Baker St. Private InvestigatorThey will provide you with the best PI in Singapore

Corporate private investigator- Everything that comes with hiring them

When it comes to corporate investigation, there can be numerous purposes behind it. From cyber security breaches to uncovering fraud, there may arise numerous situations when the company or the corporate boss need to hire these professionals. So, if you doubt that someone is involved with criminal activities in your office, hiring a private investigator in Singapore will be your best call. They will conduct a proper investigation and will help you get rid of that situation.

As they have been delivering this service for a long time, they know what they have to do to deliver the best results. They know the proper investigating techniques and they will find out whether any criminal activities are going on or not.

When to hire a corporate private investigator in Singapore?

National security concern:

Numerous corporate activities may trigger concerns regarding national security. It is quite a common fact that government contractors will face the most threats. However, any company that is capable of rising the interest of foreign governments or various other organizations are in the risk zone.

If someone discloses information that can be used as a weapon against national security, it can give rise to numerous threats. During that time, hiring professionals is the best call. They will investigate the matter precisely and will determine the actions based on that. As they have the concerned skills in this field, they will do the needful.

Public corruption or bribery concerns:

It is illegal for corporate representatives to offer bribes. They are not allowed to get any favourable treatment. Otherwise, the officials will be marked as corrupt. If anything is found, the corporate representatives and the entities will come across penalties, which may hamper the overall image of the organization.

So, if you think that any suspicious activities are going on inside your company, it is time to hire private investigators in Singapore. They will carry on with an in-depth investigation and will find out whether anyone is involved with the unlawful activities or not. If they find out the culprit, they will take steps accordingly. No matter how complicated the case is, the experts will take care of everything.

Concerns regarding cyber security breaches:

These days, a cyber security breach is one of the common issues that a lot of companies are witnessing. It will hamper the overall functionality and productivity of the company. If you can dig out a bit, you will find out that it is one of the most significant threats that corporate companies come across. So, if you think that you are facing any cyber security threat, you must take immediate action by contacting professionals.

The professionals will start the investigation to determine numerous things such as:

  • How the breach took place?
  • What information pieces that the intruders got access to?
  • Which part of the company’s data came under threat?
  • What are the notifications that they require?
  • Is there any intrusion going on?
  • What steps should the company take to deal with this data breach?

Thus, show no hesitation to hire professionals that are capable of conducting an investigation.

Accounting or financial fraud concerns:

Another significant threat that corporate companies come across is accounting and financial fraud. Like any other issue, it also requires an immediate response. For that, one of the best things that you can do is to get in touch with professionals. They will ensure a documented and forceful response. Otherwise, you may end up in a financial mess, which will be detrimental to your company.

Well, there is one important thing that you need to keep in mind. If you want to uncover accounting fraud or financial fraud, have an in-depth knowledge of corporate accounting practices. Perhaps, the people that know this field are the ones that will stay under the radar. During that time, one of the best things that you can do is to get in touch with professionals. They will do the needful.

Concerns regarding shareholder derivative litigation:

Shareholder derivative litigation is a sensitive issue. It requires precise decision-making and you have to make sure that there should be no errors. If your company faces potential claims regarding shareholders, the leaders need to craft litigation strategies. Besides, they need to find out the potential alternatives with the help of the present facts.

During that time, hiring professionals will do the needful. They will try to fetch the answers to various questions such as:

  • What is the source of information that is responsible for bringing the issue to light?
  • Are the allegations substantial enough?
  • What is the company’s risk of exposure?
  • What are the steps that the company needs to take?
  • What to do to bring faith back to the company?

The Private investigators in Singapore will get the answers to these questions precisely and will move forward according to that.

Commercial or civil litigation concerns:

If commercial or civil litigation takes place, the company need to take the steps as soon as possible. Corporate leaders need to make informed decisions so that no errors take place. So, one of the best decisions that you can make is to get in touch with professionals. It will help you protect the company’s assets. It will also help them to enforce contractual rights.

Well, there is one important thing that you need to take into account. Whenever you are assessing the potential litigation case from a specific perspective, you need to consider the other perspectives as well. If your company is currently in a defensive posture, there are some questions that you need to answer before hiring the professionals such as:

  • Are you capable of asserting counterclaims?
  • Is it possible to interplead the third parties?
  • If you are thinking of taking legal action, are there any risks involved?

To get the answers to these questions, a thorough legal investigation is required. So, get in touch with the experts as soon as possible.

So, these are instances where you need to opt for corporate investigation. If any of the above-mentioned issues are happening to your company, you need to get in touch with the experts as soon as possible. 


Why hiring a corporate investigator is a great decision?

There are numerous reasons to hire a corporate investigator. Here, let’s explore the reason to hire these professionals:

They know the professional techniques:

One of the fundamental reasons to hire professional investigators is that they know the professional techniques. You need to understand that investigators have a different way of looking into a specific matter. 

To be precise, they are more thorough in this approach. They have numerous sources in their hands, which will help them to fathom the required data that will help you win the case. The database of these investigators has such information pieces that no other people have.

The experts are capable of finding:

The course of the investigation depends on the facts. Thus, if you are looking for the facts that will help you win the case, you can always rely on private investigators in Singapore. As they have been serving in this field for a long time, they know what they have to do to deliver the best results. 

With the help of their investigation process, they will find out all the facts and will provide you with enough evidence to prove your data. Besides, if you have any doubts regarding the truth, the investigators will help you get rid of them.

They will conduct background checks:

If you think that some suspicious activities are happening in your company and you have a doubt about a specific person, you should get in touch with the investigators. With the help of their expertise and experience, they will conduct an efficient background check.

Once they conduct the background check, it will be easier for them to find out the whether the concerned person is involved or not. If any involvement is found, you need to take the steps according to that. So, get rid of all your hesitations and get in touch with the experts as soon as possible. They will serve your purpose precisely.

The professionals have efficiency in this field:

When it comes to corporate investigation, efficiency is a must. Without efficiency, it is almost impossible to solve the case. Therefore, if you are thinking of accomplishing this task yourself, you should stay away from that idea.

In that case, one of the best things that you can do is to get in touch with the professionals. As they have the expertise and experience in this field, they know what they have to do to deliver the best results. With the help of a specific investigation process, they will find out the culprit as soon as possible.

Tips to choose the best corporate investigator:

Now that you know the benefits of hiring this professional, it is time to find out the tips for hiring this professional. Once you know about the tips, it will be easier for you to make the right decision. So, here is the list of tips that you need to know:

The experts should know the industry:

The corporate industry is a complicated industry that involves a lot of things. Thus, before hiring a private investigator, one of the best things that you can do is to determine whether they have the required knowledge in this field or not.

If you see that their knowledge regarding the industry is up to the mark, you are good to go. One of the best ways to understand whether they have the knowledge or not is to ask them various questions. If you see that their answers are satisfactory enough, you are good to go.

They must have an understanding of the legal process:

It is another factor that you need to keep in mind. If you are hiring corporate lawyers, you have to make sure that they have an understanding of the legal process. Corporate issues arrive with various legal hurdles that you need to keep in mind.

Thus, before choosing professionals, you have to make sure that they have all the knowledge regarding legal issues. Make sure to conduct an in-depth interview before making the final decision. If they are capable of answering all your queries, you are good to go. 

The investigators must know the workplace:

Without precise knowledge about the workplace, it will be hard for the investigators to find out the fraud. Thus, before you choose them, make sure that they have the required knowledge regarding the workplace. 

They need to understand workplace policies, which will make it easier for the investigator to conduct thorough research regarding corporate fraud. So, make sure that the professionals have in-depth knowledge regarding the workplace.

There should be knowledge about the subject matter:

The investigators must have precise knowledge regarding the subject matter. It will ensure that they are capable of accomplishing the investigation. Thus, before choosing them, check the area of their expertise. 

If you see that they are compatible with corporate investigation you are good to go. Otherwise, consider it to be a red flag. If they have expertise in a different area, you should always look for a better alternative. Their expertise will help them to understand the misconduct in a better way and they will find out the evidence easily.

Keep these points in mind before choosing the corporate investigator. Considering these points will help you choose the best service provider in this field.

So, these are all the things that you need to know about before choosing a corporate Private Investigator in Singapore. If you are looking for the best investigators in this field, you can get in touch with Baker St. Private Investigator. They will provide you with the most efficient private investigation in SingaporeYou can stay assured that joining hands with them will never go wrong.

Is hiring a private investigator for child custody the right decision or not? – Let’s Find Out

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."

These days, a battle for child custody is becoming a common issue. It is not only physically stressful, but it is also mentally draining. We can understand that family court is pretty nerve-racking, especially when it comes to the best interest of your child. So, if you want to win this battle, you have to make sure that you have evidence on your side. During those times, hiring a private investigator in Singapore will be the most fruitful decision. The professionals will help you win the scuffle that comes with child custody.

Here, let’s discuss everything that comes with hiring investigators for your child custody case. As it is a pretty sensitive issue, you need to know everything before making the final call. Thus, have some patience and go through the below-written points meticulously. 

Why hiring a private investigator in Singapore for child custody is a great decision?


The process and approach of surveillance depending on the specific case. When it comes to child custody, the private investigation company in Singapore will employ various types of surveillance methods to fathom how the parents are treating their children. 

They will legally document the behavioural patterns of the parents towards their child with the help of videos, witness interviews, and photos. Based on that, they will show the court whether the parents are neglectful or abusive towards their child. 

Well, to apprehend the negative impacts that the child is going through, the investigation will encompass an array of things such as:

  1. Criminal activity
  2. Reckless driving
  3. Gambling
  4. Drug abuse
  5. Other activities

The private investigators in Singapore will also look for the shreds of evidence that will showcase that the parents are not providing food, healthy living space, or other necessities that involves the overall well-being of the child.

Gather testimonials and interview witnesses:

Private investigators have the privilege and the position to where they can interact with the witnesses on behalf of their client. It will help them to determine the condition of the child in the custody of the parents. 

Witness statements are measured as high-value evidence and they can create a sizeable impact on where the case is heading. It will also play a pivotal role in your defence if your partner is trying to demean your reputation or credibility.

For instance, if your ex-spouse is alleging that you are an addict with a history of abuse, the private investigator in Singapore will collect testimony from various sources such as:

  1. Friends
  2. Family
  3. Relatives
  4. Employees
  5. Acquaintances

Once they do it, they will come to know whether the allegations are legit or not.

Social media intelligence:

Now, these days, social media is one of the most powerful tools that aids to gather various pieces of information. With the help of this tool, the private investigator in Singapore will pull out the required pieces of evidence of the people that are implicated in the child’s life. 

Say, for example, that they will accumulate all the information on:

  1. Grandparents
  2. Partners
  3. Parents
  4. Cousins 

Apart from them, the PI will also congregate knowledge regarding the people that will interact with the child when the person is granted custody. They will use social media as a viable evidence platform to comprehend the people living in and around the child.

Carry out the background investigations on the other parties involved:

In addition to checking the background of the parents, they will also conduct background checks on the parties involved with the child. The background check will not only be confined to the family members, but it will also include:

  1. Friends
  2. Employers
  3. Partners
  4. Cousins

The professionals will conduct a background check to make sure of the fact that the child’s life is compatible with the people living around them.

Testify the accounts in the court:

When it comes to court cases, private investigators are considered exceedingly valuable witnesses. The reason is that they are an unbiased party and they are working for the best interest of the child. They will present the court with imperative evidence and facts about all the parties, which are hard to get access to.

In most cases, all the parties will try to present their best selves in front of the court. Thus, it is always a wise decision to hire investigators as they will help to clarify the intentions, and what is going on in their life. 

What are the various types of custody cases that the investigators can help with?

What are the various types of custody cases that the investigators can help with?

Custody violation:

In case, if you sense that the other guardian or partner is breaching the terms and conditions of the custody agreements and regulations, hiring professionals can be your best call. It will require evidence to prove your statement in court. 

During those times, getting in touch with a PI will serve your purpose precisely. They will try to monitor various aspects such as:

  1. Dropping or picking up the child at the right time.
  2. Failing to take the child to the concerned court appointments.
  3. Surrounded by dangerous associates.

If they witness that the other guardian is not meeting the agreed-upon custody rules, they will help you make the right decision.


Cohabitation creates colossal effects on child support payments as well as custody situations. So, if you see that your child’s other guardian is cohabitating with someone, consider it to be a red flag. In that case, an investigator will help you a lot. 

They will help you uncover the truth and provide the required evidence. As the investigators have been doing this for a long time, they know what they have to do to deliver the best results. Well, the experts will find out a lot of things such as:

  1. The partner’s character.
  2. The relationship between the child and the guardian.
  3. The criminal background of the parent if any.


If a child is going through the dark phase of abuse and neglect, consider it to be a pretty serious situation. You have to make sure that you are dealing with it swiftly. So, if you suspect that the other guardian is abusing or showing negligence to your child, you need to deal with it pretty swiftly. 

Thus, make sure to avail yourself of a private investigation service in Singapore. As professionals have been serving in this field for a long time, they know what they have to do to yield the best results. They will try to fathom whether the child is going through issues such as:

  1. Developmental delay
  2. Aggression
  3. Hyperactivity
  4. Low self-esteem 
  5. Emotional disorders

If they find out any of these signs on the child, they will take the required steps as soon as possible.

Different types of child custody that you must know:

Before hiring an investigator, you need to know about different types of child custody. Knowing about the different types of child custody will help you make the right decision. So, here is the list of customers that you need to know:

Legal custody:

If a parent has legal custody, they have the privilege to make a legal decision regarding the child. 

Sole custody:

If a parent has sole custody, it will signify the fact that the parent can make both legal and physical decisions regarding the child. The other parent may visit the child for sometimes, but cannot make any decisions. 

Physical custody:

This custody will determine which parent is going to live with the child. 

Joint physical custody:

Joint physical custody will allow the child to split the time and live with both parents for a specific interval of time.

Joint legal custody:

Here, both parents will have a voice when it comes to taking legal decisions regarding the child. In case, any major dispute takes place, it will be settled in court. 


When should you hire a PI for a child custody case?

  1. If you suspect that the child is going through violence and domestic abuse.
  2. If they fail to provide the child with the required necessities.
  3. In case, the stability of the home is not up to the mark, hiring professionals will be the best decision.
  4. If you think that other people in the home are creating hassles for your child. 
  5. The investigators will also try to understand the preference of the child. 

Some imperative factors to take into account before hiring a PI for a child custody case:

Now that you know about every nook and corner of hiring a PI for your child activity case, it is time to know how to choose the best investigators among all. Well, to hire the best professionals of all, there are some factors that you can be considering.

If you can consider those factors precisely, you will end up choosing the best investigators of all. So, the list of factors that you must know are:

Examples of their previous success:

You need to understand that child custody is a pretty sensitive matter. To handle it, hiring professional investigators will be your best call. However, you have to make sure that you are choosing a competent service provider. 

Thus, to figure it out, you can ask the concerned investigators to show examples of their previous success. If you see that their track record is pretty impressive, you are good to go. Happy customers will always signify that the quality of their work is up to the mark. 

Experience of the company:

We already mentioned that handling child custody cases is not everyone’s cup of tea. It not only requires expertise, but it also demands experience. So, before grounding your decision on a specific company, you need to find out how long they have been serving in this field. 

If you witness that they have been doing this for a long time and they have numerous happy customers in their collection, you can hire them without any hesitations. The experience will reflect the fact that they are serious about their work and they are capable of pulling off the task effortlessly.

The pricing they have to offer:

It is a prevalent fact that when it comes to availing of service, your budget has a pivotal role to play. You must stay careful about your pocket. If you witness that their pricing is exceeding your budget, you should start looking for a better alternative.

Perhaps, there is one important thing that you need to keep in mind. Do not choose a service provider based on the pricing only. There are numerous instances where you will find out that the quality of the cheap service providers is not up to the mark. 

Be clear about your objectives:

Yes, before availing of a private investigation service in Singapore, you have to make sure that your objectives regarding child custody cases are clear. It will help you to conduct an in-depth discussion on the case with the concerned investigators. 

While discussing the objectives with the investigators, it will be easier for you to fathom whether they are capable enough to take care of the case or not. Otherwise, if they are finding it hard to understand your objectives, consider it to be a red flag.

The professionals should be licensed:

If you want to be sure about the fact that you are hiring a competent professional, you need to check their license. Otherwise, it will be a legal issue. So, one of the best things that you can do is to visit the website of the concerned company.

private investigation Singapore

There, you will find out whether they have the required license or not. If the website consists of the information that they have the obligatory license, you are good to go. It will show that they have permission to conduct the child custody investigation without any hassles.

They must have a state-of-art real-time GPS tracker:

Yes, we can understand that GPS trackers are not required for all types of investigations. But it is one of the important tools that is required for a private investigation. For instance, if you suspect that the other guardian of the child is involved with unlawful activities, you need to track that person.

During those times, you will need a GPS tracker. If they fail to produce you with a GPS tracker, it can be a red flag. It will indicate that the professionals are not serious about their job. Thus, make sure that they have all the tools in their collection. It will help them to pull off the task without any issues.

Meet the professionals in Person:

You may think that a single phone call will help you to determine the capability of the service providers. However, nothing can be far away from the truth. If you don’t meet them in person, it will be hard for you to realize whether they are capable enough or not.

So, make an appointment with them and visit their brick-and-mortar office. If they have an office of their own, you can stay assured they are efficient in their job. To be precise, they have numerous happy customers in their collection. 

Some important questions that you must seek answers to from your PI:

There are some vital questions that you must ask the concerned PI. Once you get the answers to those questions, it will be easier for you to make the right call. You can set all your hesitations apart and get in touch with the investigators as soon as possible. 

What hours do they work?

It is one of the most important questions that you need to ask. If you see that they work from Monday to Friday and their working hour is 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, you should start looking for a better company. You need to understand that an investigation is not confined to a specific time.

There can be emergencies that need to be handled even at odd hours of the day. Therefore, you want someone that can work for you all around the clock. They should be flexible enough to work at the weekends along with any part of the day.

What kind of investigation is their expertise?

It is another significant question that you need to ask. Asking for their expertise will aid you comprehend whether they are capable of solving the specific case or not. For instance, here we are discussing child custody. 

So, you have to ensure that the investigators have the expertise in handling child custody cases. Otherwise, there is no point in hiring them. Besides, you have to make sure that they have handled similar cases earlier. It will showcase their skill and experience.

How they are going to guarantee confidentiality?

If you are going through a child custody battle, there are numerous things that you need to keep confidential. Hence, if you are thinking of hiring private investigators you have to make sure that they are capable of keeping confidentiality.

Ask them about the plan for how they are going to keep the secret. Once you know about the plan, it will provide you with mental peace. To be precise, you will know how they are going to pull off the task ensuring confidentiality.

What actions they are not allowed to do?

Whenever you are hiring a private investigator, you have to make sure that they are compatible with the law. Otherwise, there is a possibility that it will create a handful of legal issues in the future, which may hamper the child custody case.

There are numerous things that a PI cannot do such as:

  1. Obtaining cell phone records
  2. Wiretapping
  3. Posing as police officers

Asking these questions will allow you to realize their limitations so that you don’t come up with unrealistic expectations. 

Can they guarantee a fruitful result?

There is one important thing that you should infuse in your mind. There is a possibility that the results may not satisfy you. Here, the job of the investigator is to uncover the truth. However, there will be instances where they will fail to uncover the truth.

The investigator should be upfront with this. If they are providing you with the guarantee, it could be possible that they are lying. They should let you know about all the potential possibilities of the case. 

So, here are all the things you should know before hiring a Private Investigator in Singapore. If you are looking for the best company in this field, you can always rely on Baker St. Private Investigator. They have been serving in this field for a long time, which makes them the best among all. They are the best private investigation company in SingaporeYou can stay assured that joining hands with them will never go wrong.

What to look out for before hiring Private eye services in Singapore?

Private eye services in Singapore are a valuable resource for individuals and business who needs help collecting information and solving a problem. Private investigators’ work is appealing as it mainly deals with suspicious issues and complex issues. Private eye services mainly conduct secret surveillance and can sort through, public records and interview various witnesses about a particular issue.

Importance of hiring private eye services –

  • Private eye service professionals come with the skills, resources and experience to gather information that is generally not accessible to common people. They can provide valuable understanding and guidance on how to handle a situation and move forward.
  • Private investigators are licensed and they adhere to strict guidelines and regulations to operate legally and freely in the country.
  • These are often used in cases involving infidelity, fraud, missing persons and more. Some of the common issues involve infidelity investigations, fraud investigations, missing person cases, and background checks.
  • Private eye services can also help in tracking down debtors, finding lost and stolen property and providing surveillance services. 
  • It is essential to do the research and choose an honourable and trustworthy professional. Get an investigator who has a proven track record and is also licensed by the government. It is a good idea to ask for references and get reviews before hiring one. 
  • When one is hiring a private investigator, it becomes important to provide as much as information possible about the case. This will include many factors like the – names, dates and all relevant documents. 
  • The more information one can provide, the easier it becomes for the investigator to get the necessary information. Honesty is highly required as being upfront with the investigator, as it ensures that they can provide the best possible service. 

How much does it cost to hire private eye services in Singapore?

The cost of hiring private eye services in Singapore varies mainly based on the complexity of the case and the services needed. It is best to discuss pricing with the investigator before hiring them to ensure that the person is comfortable with the cost. 

The length of a private investigator depends on the case, some might be completed in a matter of days and others might take longer. It is essential to be patient and allow the investigator to have the time they need to accumulate all the information. 

Factors to maintain to become a private eye or private investigator are – 

Resourcefulness – 

A good private eye makes use of all possible resources to conduct the investigation, uncover facts or solve a case. They should consider being familiar with the procedure of public records searches. 

Good Communication – 

The work of an investigator is isolated at times, and they often interact with a diverse range of people with varied backgrounds. Aspiring investigators need to understand how to communicate effectively with people of different backgrounds.

For example – At times an investigator might need to interview a witness related to a crime or even speak with family members of missing persons. 

Good technology skills – 

The private investigators must have strong technology skills. In addition to navigating digitized databanks, the PIs must know how to use various electronic devices like GPS trackers and video surveillance equipment. It is highly essential for investigators to understand and abide by the laws. Every good investigator understands that the evidence may end up in court and information that is obtained unlawfully will get cancelled. 

Confidentiality –

Professional investigators have a confidentiality policy. When an investigator clearly articulates the terms of that policy and explains the steps that will be taken to enforce it. The PIs must be careful to never discuss a case or open up about any sensitive information with non-involved parties. 

Tactfulness – 

A private investigator needs to exhibit tactfulness or compassion to each potential client. They must know how to present the results in a proper manner. 

Work with advanced methods – 

The investigators follow advanced methods of investigation while working on a particular case to achieve success in a much faster and smarter way. 

Developing a strong network – 

It is essential to build up a strong network of skilled professionals all over the world that helps us to gather evidence from different locations. 

Easy availability – 

The expert investigators are available almost throughout the day which makes it possible for people to reach out at any point to avail of the services.

Know some interesting statistics about Private investigations – 

  • Private investigation in Singapore is regulated by the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA). 
  • According to the Private Security Industry Act, there are around 1600 licensed private investigators in Singapore, as per data from 2021.
  • Private investigation services are considered to be a growing industry in Singapore, as various individuals and businesses seek out the services of private investigators. 

Benefits of hiring private eye services – 

Detailed investigation with special techniques

A private investigator ensures a thorough investigation. They gather information efficiently and even from sources that might not be available to any other parties. 

Company background and history check –

Hiring a private investigator before the business deal is a good idea. They must be capable to check other parties in the deal and confirm having a clean record. This has to be done before you sign up for the deal by a detailed background check. This would ensure good partnership and association without any issues. 

Deciphering the actual truth 

It’s important to be cautious about everything, whether it is about personal life or a business relationship. A private investigator helps to interpret the actual truth about everything. This would help to safeguard an individual or any business from any future harm. 

Private investigators can provide valuable information and assistance, it is very essential to understand that they cannot always guarantee results. Every case is different and there is no fixed guarantee about gathering information. A reputable investigator will do their best to gather the information and will provide the best guidance and support. 

The  Private eye services Singapore at Baker St Private Investigator comes with a huge scope of ability to finish assignments given by the client, conduct surveillance, and detect and demonstrate information that may be hidden and unavailable. Choose us to avail the best possible Private Investigator in Singapore. Enjoy a great deal of widened private investigation scope in a cost-effective setup. 

Private Investigator – Let’s explore the genre

If you are curious and persistent about solving an unknown situation, or if you like to enquire a lot about things going on around you, the best solution is to hire a private investigator to help you solve the problems. Private Investigation Singapore ensures efficient handling of situations with expertise to provide the best support and fulfil the requirements. 

Who are private investigators?

Private investigators are generally hired by individuals or organizations dealing with civil or criminal matters that require documentation, research, and surveillance to provide proper evidence in legal, criminal or corporate investigations. The investigator researches people or situations that are directly associated with the person concerned and it can affect the physical, mental, social or financial well-being in a significant manner. 

Reasons to hire a private investigator – 

An investigator has to be trustworthy, honest and very professional. It becomes a duty to maintain the information exclusively in a secret way as it is very personal to someone. 

  • Suspect the partner of cheating
  • Child custody issues
  • Corporate investigations
  • Insurance fraud
  • Employee theft
  • Funds misappropriation

Special skills that private investigators need to develop –

Research – 

A PI needs to have proper research skills along with familiarity with public and private databases which is suitable for different investigations.

Surveillance – 

The ability to carry out surveillance efficiently is a very essential role of PI’s work.

Evidence analysis –

When it comes to assessing evidence and putting it together, it requires analytical skills. 

Legal knowledge – 

Understanding what can be done by abiding by the law is essential. Private investigators stay within the limits of the law, especially privacy laws, and maintain their professionalism.

Technological skills –

 A PI should be tech-savvy and be able to use different devices in the field to capture evidence. 

Reporting skills –

 A PI should have the ability to write precisely, clearly, and accurately will prove to be useful. One should have good record-keeping skills that will help to maintain detailed case notes. 

Disguise – 

One needs to be highly skilled to blend into the background without getting noticed. This requires the ability to disguise oneself with clothing and accessories.

Functions of the private investigators include – 

The main function of the PI is to uncover facts and evidence, analyze information, and provide their clients with the results of their investigation. The functions of the PI include – 

  • Performing undercover investigations
  • Taking up surveillance 
  • Documenting and reporting the results of investigations
  • Researching and interviewing people

Benefits of hiring a private investigator – 

A private investigator is hired by individuals and businesses to uncover information. They have to work very hard to source thus making the role very rewarding. They can operate without licenses in some states may be a plus for the investigators themselves.

Safety –

 A private investigator has the skills and the equipment to investigate while keeping secrecy. Also, they have the experience to ensure their presence remains a secret.

Anonymity –

 A private investigator is unknown to the person who is supposed to get investigated. They are likely to notice and change their behaviour before one can gather evidence. They can perform their work without any bias. 

Carry out a thorough investigation – 

Private investigators use various methods to get reliable information for a case. Their experience and expertise allow them to perform an overall search, interview witnesses and use their networks to get a thorough study of the case.

Gathering evidence –

 Hiring a PI will help to gather data that can be used as strong evidence. A PI Singapore can testify as an expert in the case and present their evidence in the best way.

Following legal procedures –

 It is essential to go by the law while carrying out an investigation. Private investigators are experienced professionals who ensure they follow the legal process while providing reliable evidence that can be used in court. 

Reach out to us at Baker St Private Investigator, to avail the best possible services. Enjoy a great deal of widened private investigation scope in a cost-effective setup. PI Singapore comes with a huge scope of ability to finish assignments given by the client, conduct surveillance, and detect and demonstrate information that may be hidden and unavailable. 

FAQ – 

Is private investigation legal?

Private investigation is legal, and it’s legal to hire a private investigator to solve a case. They work abiding by the laws. 

What are the 5 types of investigations?

  • Commercial Investigation
  • Matrimonial investigations
  • Digital Forensics 
  • Key Personnel Background Checks 
  • Workman Compensation Claims Investigations

Why do people hire private investigators?

Hiring a private investigator can help to put the mind at ease and they can help deal with circumstances in which one doesn’t know where to start. Private investigators are used to trace people, catch out cheating partners, gather evidence of fraud and can even help in criminal investigations.

Can private investigators hack accounts?

Hacking is an illegal act and private investigators cannot hack email accounts or computers.

Can private detectives investigate crimes?

Private investigators are able to help solve criminal cases or help to explore the prospect of solving the matter by taking civil court action. 

Can private investigators track cell phones?

It is illegal to track cell phones. While technology exists it is illegal to track someone’s cellphone activity or to monitor the GPS location of the phone.

Do private investigators work with police?

Private investigators can work together with the police to support the chances of getting a successful outcome while dealing with a case. A PI becomes contractually bound to provide a specific service within a specific timeframe.

Do you need qualifications to be a private investigator?

Yes, one needs to complete government-accredited course certificate III in investigative services.

Can someone hire a private investigator on you?

Yes, private investigation is legal and thus one can hire a PI on you too. Individuals need evidence that will help them make the right decisions regarding important areas of life.

Is your partner cheating on you? Consult with Private Investigator

The person who cheats will not assume infidelity when questioned. Therefore, anyone who wants to know how to catch someone cheating must be prepared to act discreetly, calmly, and objectively. In this way, the chances of success in the adultery bust are considerably greater. If a person thinks that it is not possible to catch it alone, hire a Private Investigator in Singapore and consult about your issues.

Who is a private detective?

A private detective is one of the most requested services. It has become very common in recent years and has increased more and more over time. The doubt of betrayal is something that can torment a person a lot. It can cause some problems, such as anxiety attacks caused by doubts about the spouse’s fidelity. Therefore, a Private Investigator in Singapore will go after proving the possible infidelity on the part of the investigated.

What would a cheating private detective be?

The private detective is a professional specializing in marital investigations. He is trained to find evidence of infidelity, acting individually or through a private detective agency.

Therefore, this professional can carry out the entire investigation process from capturing evidence to the final report. They have proof of the entire investigative process. They act in a very discreet way. So, they will wear camouflaged clothes according to the needs of each location.

How to carry out the betrayal bust?

The unfaithful spouse often has a very high sense of self-confidence. This happens because they realize that the partner does not suspect anything. They become less careful with small attitudes that may indicate the existence of an extramarital affair.

Therefore, to detect betrayal, it is necessary to observe sudden changes in the behavior of the unfaithful spouse. The main aspects that should be examined are:

  • Frequent departures without commenting on the place or with whom the person will meet
  • Harsh answers to any question, always acting defensive
  • Significant increase in expenses for no apparent reason
  • Exaggerated care with privacy, especially with cell phones and/or notebooks
  • Need for isolation
  • Lack of sexual interest in the partner
  • Sudden spending on appearances, such as going to the gym, suddenly using perfume and makeup

It is essential to assess the spouse’s behavior pattern to arrive at a fairer decision. For example, if the spouse starts exercising frequently, it could be just a health concern. However, if the partner begins to over- and compulsively take care of themselves, it could be that there is someone else in the relationship and the partner is trying to impress.

What’s the best way to catch cheating? 

The private detective will do a thorough search to look for evidence that the suspect is innocent or there is infidelity in the relationship. To get this evidence, they will map practically all the actions of the investigated individual.

In addition, through highly technological equipment, the private detective obtains evidence, such as footage, photos, geo-locations, vehicle monitoring, and much more. The type of proof varies from case to case.

In the course of the case, after obtaining these initial evidence or clues, the Private Investigator in Singapore will update through reports in the middle of each case.

Regarding the investigation time, a person cannot cite a specific date or time, since each case has its particularities and may have specific situations during the investigation.

Detective Helper Features

Professional cameras-

This is an excellent item for detectives and their assistants. It allows access to images even from a long distance and favors the confirmation of suspicions.

Data collection-

One technique often used by detectives is data collection. This technique has special relevance in investigations. It consists of collecting information from databases and other secure sources. The material captured during this survey is properly organized and stored. It avoids imminent leaks of information and data.

Electronic devices-

Cell phones, tablets, and notebooks are also widely used by private detectives as their investigation teams. Using the cell phone, the team can get in touch with each other.

At the end of the entire process, a person will have a definitive final report, with all the evidence collected in the investigative process and the final result.

“Is it a crime to hire someone to investigate my partner?”

It’s not a crime to hire a private detective for betrayal. However, it is important that the professional acts within all conduct and ethical plans of the profession. All this care will allow the private detective to act within the law.

Therefore, when a person hires a private detective, they should value the experience and reputation of the detective agency. Since, if clients opt for a more inexperienced detective, there may be some slippage in relation to the good conduct of the profession.

Generally, in the main private detective agencies, the contractor will receive a contract with all the information very well clarified.

Therefore, look for a private betrayal detective with extensive experience who can really help you with this delicate situation that you may be going through at the moment.

Count on specialized service!

Being caught cheating is certainly not a pleasant situation, but it may be necessary for the person to get rid of doubts and continue with their life, either through separation or continuity of the relationship.

If you want to rely on the expertise, quality and secrecy of the investigators of the PI agency in Singapore get in touch and learn more about Baker Street Private Investigator. We have a highly competent team specialized in marital investigation. And precisely for this reason, if a person has any questions about the marital investigation service, just get in touch and we will be able to help you with whatever you need.

Getting in touch with the former employees for legal proceedings- A PI’s view

When it comes to litigation, former employees are one of the best sources of information. They can deliver numerous information pieces. Therefore, in case of litigations, it is always the best decision to get in touch with the former employees. However, there is a specific process for approaching former employees. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the situation will become vulnerable. In that case, one of the best things to do is to get in touch with a PI in Singapore.

They are the best people to serve the purpose effortlessly. As they have been serving in this field for a long time, they know how to approach former employees. Therefore, the concerned office owner should get in touch with a private investigator as soon as possible. 

So, let’s dig a bit deeper to fathom everything that comes with it:

  • Are former employees trustworthy enough?

During the investigation process, this will be the first question that will arise. However, the homeowners don’t have to worry about anything as it is fair play. In case of litigation, a company should get in touch with former employees.

The best part is that it will not bring any legal consequences to the boards. However, the company has to make sure that they are notifying the employee before getting in touch with them. Otherwise, the ‘no contact’ policy will come into action and the company cannot get the employee on the boards. 

  • How to track the former employees and get in touch with them?

Now, it is quite an arduous task. It not only requires a lot of expertise, but it also demands patience. However, if a professional investigator is in the charge of handling this situation, they will take care of it. They have numerous techniques and methods to follow. 

For instance, there are numerous resumes and databases where investigators can find the list of former employees. They may have to get it on a subscription basis. Besides, there are numerous social media platforms from where they will find out about employees without any complications. Thus, let the professionals handle the situation. 

  • What kind of former employees can be helpful in this situation?

Choosing the right employee for litigation is a time-consuming task. It requires patience as well as expertise. Therefore, relying on efficient investigators is one of the best things to do. Well, it will be hard to find the one that will spill the bins. 

Here, an investigator will conduct in-depth research and make a list of employees that can help in this particular case. After that, they will conduct interview sessions with them, which will make them understand whether they have the concerned information in this field or not. 

  • What is the best way to interview former employees:

Taking random interviews is not going to help. There should be a specific way and approach to the interviews. Otherwise, it will be hard to pull off the required information. Well, the investigators will always recommend conducting face-to-face interviews rather than telephone conversations. 

The experts will meet the person in a neutral place. Apart from asking questions, they will also note down the important pieces of information. Perhaps, there is a chance that the employees will come around with zero obligations of speaking, which can be a bit hard to handle. 

  • What are the risks that may come across?

Yes, conducting an interview can be a bit disgusting as it is already mentioned that the former employees are not under any obligation to speak. There is a possibility that the company will witness the slamming of numerous proverbial doors in their face.

During those times, one of the best things that they can do is to get in touch with professionals. They will conduct the interviews in such a way that there will be no complications. They will fathom the sensitive aspects of the questions and place them according to that. 

  • How to conduct the interviews?

Under normal circumstances, the best thing to do is to conduct interviews from the outside. To be precise, the company should get in touch with the employees that are residing near the centre. Also, there is a possibility that employees will be under the fringes. 

The approach should be a step-by-step approach. The first thing that they will do is to gather as much surface-level info as possible during the first sitting. After that, they should start working on intimate details of the case. It will help them to build confidence. In that case, one of the best things to do is to get in touch with the professionals before making the final call. 

What are the questions that the company should ask the private investigators before hiring?

  1. What type of training did they receive?
  2. Have they encountered similar cases before?
  3. Are they capable of submitting reports?
  4. What kind of tools do they use to accomplish their task?
  5. Are they have references to offer?

Reasons to hire a private investigator?

There are numerous reasons to hire a private investigator. Let’s discuss those reasons, which will help the potential clients to make the right decision:

  1. They will conduct a precise background check.
  2. The experts are capable of conducting precise surveillance.
  3. The company conduct in-depth screening before hiring professionals.
  4. They are capable of handling numerous types of cases.
  5. The professionals will find the facts and figures precisely and deliver the best results. 

So, these are all the things from the perception of a private investigator. In case, a company is looking for the best service provider in this field, they should get in touch with Baker St Private Investigator. They will also deliver the best private investigation service in Singapore. People should stay assured that joining hands with them will never go wrong. 

Corporate Espionage: How to discover and protect the company?

Corporate espionage is illegal. The entrepreneur who does this against his competitors incurs a practice liable to legal proceedings.Still, the practice of industrial espionage is commonplace. It continues to harm companies, regardless of their size across the country. So, entrepreneurs require protecting themselves.If there is a suspicion that this crime is taking place against the company in Singapore, it is important to call a Private Investigation service in SingaporeWith this, the client can conduct counter-espionage. This is an investigative method that combats illegal practices carried out by third parties.

In this case, the detective can identify irregularities that may be affects the company, and also those responsible for the crime.

Uncovering espionage in the company

All business investigation work is carried out with complete secrecy, not exposing the organization’s image and not putting it at risk.

Usually, counterintelligence involves investigation in the workplace. There, the private detective will carry out a search for clandestine eavesdropping, hidden video cameras, and other paraphernalia which proves that the place is indeed under illegal monitoring.

The detective performs a mapping of the entire electronic system of the corporation to discover digital traces of possible spies and other activities that may be affecting the company. It can also be extended to telephone lines.

During the investigation, the detective can still use:

  1. Disguises, to follow the company’s routine and approach possible suspects
  2. Monitor the company’s employees through electronic tapping, photographic cameras, and also filming
  3. Accompany a suspect in his routine outside the company

Once collected, at the end of the investigation, the evidence will be presented to the client. Since all the work of the private detective is done within the law and has judicial support. All the evidence collected can be used even in legal proceedings.

Importantly, counter-espionage is one of the most complex investigative methods. It is a longer and more time-consuming investigation. However, the private detective uses all possible resources, and dedicates so that it is possible to prove or not the suspicion conclusively.

Defending yourself against industrial espionage is your right

It is interesting to observe that many people are insecure and fearful when seeking the help of a private detective. They believe that they are violating some laws.

As mentioned earlier, a private detective’s work is completely done within the law. The private detective agency has the full assistance of a legal team to guide its professionals. In addition, the profession is regulated in the country, and its practice is under the legislation. 

Hiring a private detective can also help to understand how to protect the client from future attacks, resulting in security improvements.

Other investigative methods may also be sought by entrepreneurs, such as pre-contractual investigation. They check the professional and personal lives of employees before they are hired.

How to hire a private detective?

The main point of knowing how to hire a private detective is to choose a professional who has the experience to solve your problem with agility, secrecy, and security.

  1. Research the private detective before closing the contract. Analyze their references, their experience, if they are well-known in the market, if they have a fixed office, and how long their office has existed.
  2. Check if the detective has training and documentation to perform the role of a professional detective
  3. Evaluate the investigation strategy and all equipment that will be used
  4. Know all the information about the detective so that they can complete their investigation in a shorter period.
  5. Ask for a complete contract containing the detective’s data, with details of the investigation strategy, equipment used, types of evidence that will be collected, and payment methods.
  6. Always cherish the total confidentiality of the investigation, and hold the first meeting in the detective’s office.

If anyone follows these 6 tips on how to hire a private detective, everyone will know if the professional they are dealing with is reliable and competent to solve the case.

In addition, a Private Investigation service in Singapore can work on a wide variety of cases and can find a lot of information without breaking the law, so everyone should know how to hire a private detective.

How does a private detective work?

If anyone still has doubts about how to hire a private detective and wants to know more about detective work, read below to know the main points of an investigation:

  • Interview people to gather information
  • It performs various types of searches, using public records on computers
  • Conduct surveillance (look for, follow or observe a person without that person noticing)
  • Collect evidence to present in court
  • Check employment, income, and facts about a person’s history
  • Investigates cyber crimes such as identity theft and illegal download
  • Assists in criminal and civil liability cases, insurance claims, and fraud

A professional private detective has high-tech equipment that helps him on the job. They keep an eye out for leads that people may have overlooked due to a lack of experience. 

Why rely on a well-known investigator?

So, when hiring a private detective, get all the details of the investigation to be done and talk to the well-known PI in Singapore. You can hire him directly from Baker St Private Investigator.

We have advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to obtain evidence such as photos, videos, and monitoring people from a distance. For that, we have a team of trained detectives, with several years of experience, ready to assist you 24*7 hours a day.

Our professionals adapt according to the person or company to be investigated. Our agents do this from an infiltration within a community using simple clothes and hidden cameras and accompanying executives in luxury restaurants, trips, and day -to-day professionals. Our agency is equipped with high tech technology and cutting edge equipment for fulfilling all the investigation needs.

 So, call us when you need any help and stay secure!

Why private Investigation is imperative for corporate houses?

Running a corporate house is not a piece of cake. It involves an array of things that needs to be handled efficiently. Otherwise, there is a possibility that it will trigger several complications in the future. Therefore, if a corporate house owner suspects that some unlawful activities are going on, they should get in touch with a private investigation company in Singapore

Hiring the experts will help the clients to dig out the issues meticulously and take the required steps. So, let’s discuss the reasons to hire an investigation company to fathom the corporate frauds. It will help the potential customers to make the right decision. To be specific, the clients will get rid of all the delusions before making the final call. 

When should a corporate house hire a corporate investigation company?

Bribery and public corruption:

One of the primary reasons to hire this service is bribery and corruption. These days, the cases of bribery and corruption in corporate houses are increasing alarmingly. It not only deteriorates the overall productivity of the business but also hampers the flow of work.

During those times, one of the best things to do is to get in touch with professional investigators. As they have been delivering this service for a long time, they know the best way of accomplishing the task most efficiently. 

Security concerns:

Another reason to hire a private investigation company is security concerns. Breach of security is a common phenomenon these days. Numerous enemies of the corporate house are constantly trying to pull out sensitive data pieces to sell to other clients.

So, if a corporate house owner suspects that someone is trying to heckle the security of the corporate house, they should get in touch with a private investigation company as soon as possible. With the help of their expertise and experience, the professionals will find out whether someone is trying to break the security or not. 

Cyber security breach:

Cyber security is one of the most prevalent threats that corporate houses come across. Many companies come across this threat in terms of liability disclosure. Thus, if a company faces one of these threats, it should take steps immediately. Well, it starts with an internal investigation, which will help the company to determine:

  • How did the breach take place?
  • What are the pieces of information the intruders have?
  • What component of the company’s data was compromised?
  • How the intrusion is going on?
  • What notifications are required?
  • Which patch is necessary to restore the cyber security of the company? 

Allegation of harassment or discrimination:

It is a serious issue. Every company should be strict in terms of harassment and discrimination cases. It begins with conducting an investigation, which will help the company to assess the allegation’s nature. The scope of the investigation will depend on the type of allegation. 

However, there is one thing that the corporate houses have to keep in mind. The investigation should be:

  1. Unbiased
  2. Independent
  3. Documented comprehensively

Besides, whenever the investigation takes place, it is significant not to approach the investigation with a specific outcome in mind. Therefore, one of the best things to do is to get in touch with professionals. As they have the concerned skill in this field, they know the best approach to clear the smoke. 

Accounting or financial fraud:

It is another case where the company should take an immediate step. The step should be well documented and forceful. So, one of the most convenient decisions that the companies should take is to get in touch with a private investigation service.

To uncover accounting fraud or financial fraud, the company should hire investigators as soon as possible. There is a possibility that an internal employee who knows this issue can be allured to cause the fraud. During those times, a private investigator is the best person to unleash the hidden problems. 

A whistle-blowing complication:

A whistle-blower complaint is as similar to the above-mentioned issues. It involves government investigations and private litigations. Thus, if a similar case happens, the company should always join hands with the professionals. 

They will gather the information quickly, and help the company to take proactive measures. It will help them to find out the whistleblower and why they have done this. It will mitigate the risk of facing substantial liability exposure during the civil or criminal trial. 

Shareholder derivative litigation concerns:

It is one of the substantial cases, that requires informed decision-making. There will be no room for errors. Whenever the company is facing potential shareholder claims, the company needs to craft litigation strategies.

During that period, hiring experts will fill the bill. They will ensure a comprehensive understanding of the facts before making the final decision. Thus, if a corporate house owner is confused about availing of this service, they should get rid of that hesitation and join forces with a private investigation company. 

Some factors to consider before hiring a private investigator:

  • The investigation company should deliver specialized services.
  • The reputation of the company should be up to the mark.
  • The company should deliver a detailed report.
  • Check the license of the company before making the final call. 

So, these are important factors that the corporate house owners have to keep in mind before making the final decision. If an office owner is looking for the best service provider in this field, they should get in touch with Baker St Private Investigator as soon as possible. As they have concerned experience in this field, no one will get disappointed. People will get the best PI in Singapore, from their side. 

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